Acceptance of prayer and attaining nearness to God.....Eleven 'conditions' that necessitate acceptance of prayer .... Says God : And when My servants ask thee about Me, say: 'I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way.
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2007-10-01 01:30:56 UTC
Peace be upon you and all....
(1)=The verse above mentioned [Surah Al Baqarah (2:187)] is placed
in the Holy Qur'an between two verses that expound the excellence of
the month of Ramadan and related matters. Therefore it indicates that
this month is distinct in terms of attaining nearness to God and
forgiveness of sins.
(2)=According to a hadith: Angel Gabriel said that destroyed is one
who experiences the month of Ramadan but does not acquire forgiveness
and that the sins of one who wakes up at night during Ramadan with the
intent to fulfil the requisites of faith and to do good are forgiven.
(3)=During Ramadan Allah bestows a special station to those who seek
Him. Although He listens to those who supplicate to Him with sincerity
at all times, yet due to the specific ambience of prayer during
Ramadan He listens more than at other times.
(4)=The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said at
the onset of Ramadan, 'People! a great and blessed month is about to
dawn on you which has a night that is better than a thousand nights.'
..........The first ten days of Ramadan are days of mercy, the next ten days
are days of forgiveness and the last ten days are days of salvation
from hell. ......The days of mercy have passed and these are the days of
forgiveness..... In a few days the days that grant salvation from hell
will be here....Among them will be the night that is the night of
acceptance of prayers, whoever may find it..... In these last few days
one should try and focus to seek the beneficence of Allah's mercy, to
seek the covering of His forgiveness, to rid ourselves of the
impurities of this world and seek the Hereafter..... To try and seek
that Omnipotent God Who says 'I am near'..... However, acceptance of
prayer has its conditions......The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)
wrote with reference to the above verse that Allah makes a distinction
between believers and the others, in that the believers are near Him
while the others are not and He listens to their supplications and
grants them acceptance, therefore they should be firm on faith.
(5)=The 'conditions' that necessitate acceptance of prayer :
(=i=) The first condition is to have a certainty about the existence
of God; an unshakeable certainty. That He is the Lord of all the
worlds and Master of everything, that by virtue of His quality to
Sustain and Nurture (divine attribute called Rabb) He provides for all
living things and in Him all qualities culminate.
(=ii=) The second condition is not to just have certainty that there
is a God but to have complete faith in Him and to be desirous to seek
Him, to seek union with Him. To inculcate righteousness (taqwa) and
Godliness for this objective, to purify oneself, or as the Promised
Messiah (on whom be peace) said 'to make oneself such that God may
speak to one'.
(=iii=) The third condition is that although it is our firm belief
that all prophets are from God, to accept that acceptance of prayer is
now associated with the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
on him). As the above verse indicates - My servants ask "thee" -
therefore we will have a means of approach to Allah only if we have
complete faith in the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on
him)....... Faith in him also entails believing in his prophecies and in
fulfilment of his prophecies to accept his true and ardent devotee,
the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Accepting him is also a
condition of faith.
(=iv=) The fourth condition is that our supplication to Allah is to
seek His pleasure, with a desire to seek Him. Allah says when one
makes an entreaty in order to 'meet Me' one will find Me near.....If an
entreaty is made merely for worldly reasons it is selfish and one-
sided.... If one wishes for Divine response one has to put in practice
what the verse terms as 'hearken to Me'.
(=v=) The fifth condition is to try and avoid all sins. Such a
situation would corroborate the declaration as made in the verse... The
Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said when one repents and
confesses to avoid all sins, a splendorous light is created as if the
person is calling Allah to come and free him/her of the sins. The most
fundamental and important prayer is for avoidance of sin and
purification of self. Once this prayer gains acceptance and one is
truly pure in Allah's eyes, then one does not even require to pray for
all one's needs and wants as they are met by Divine design.
(=vi=) The sixth condition is to give precedence to faith over worldly
matters....It is the eight condition of Bai'at of the Promised Messiah
(on whom peace). One should be mindful that one is a Muslim who has
accepted the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be on him) and be careful lest one makes an error
of judgment that may bring faith in disrepute. Even if one has to
suffer worldly loss for the honour of faith one should be willing to
endure it.
(=vii=) The seventh condition is to continually seek to improve
oneself in spiritual and practical terms. ...In light of what the above
verse indicates 'they should hearken to Me' one is always in need to
improve one's practice and one's spirituality. The road to spiritual
development is without limit for a believer and the more one works on
it the higher one's spirituality gets and with it acceptance of prayer
also increases.
(=viii=) The eighth condition is to make prayers remaining within the
laws of Allah. It is vital to abide by His commandments, to fulfil the
right of fellow human..... For example a person may usurp the rights of
another but seeks mercy for himself from Allah.... It happens in cases
of parental custody that either parent tries to take the child away
from the other. Worse still, they ask for prayers that the child may
stay away from the other parent.... The commandment is not to hurt
either the mother or the father because of the children.
(=ix=) The ninth condition is to be always mindful not just to pray in
times of trouble and hardship but to remember Allah in good,
prosperous times.... If one concentrates on prayers other than during
Ramadan then the prayers made during Ramadan gain greater acceptance.
(=x=) The tenth condition is to avoid hastiness and not to ever tire
of praying.... The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said 'Remember no
person can ever seek beneficence from prayer unless he/she surpasses
in patience'.... Example=story of steadfast prayers as made by the
father of Prophet Joseph (on whom be peace) over a period of forty
years to see his son..... Even the most miserly person ends up giving to
a beggar who is persistent - there is no way Allah would not listen to
sincere prayers made over a period of time.....Steadfastness and
patience is indeed a big condition as regards supplicating for prayers
and it is the way of Divine communities. ....Allah's help will certainly
come and it shall be followed by His mercy and grace more than
before....It is urged to make use of the sanctity of Ramadan to make
their entreaties to Allah.
(=xi=) The eleventh condition is to inculcate tenderness, angst and
lamentation in one's supplications in order to seek high standard of
prayers. Indeed the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said to assume
the helpless crying of a child when making supplications to Allah to
attract His mercy.
(6) In short a prayer that is made in accordance with Allah's
commandment and with perfect faith will gain acceptance and those who
make such prayers are those who are referred to as the guided ones,
they shall continue to develop in spirituality and will never presume
to say, where is Allah? In accordance to Hadith they will be those who
attain the station where they can 'see' Allah. It is urged to seek
this zenith during this Ramadan where Prayer/Salat is the pinnacle of
our fast and our fast is the pinnacle of our Salat.
(7) The holy Caliph also spoke of the dual heat/radiance of Ramadan,
one is the physical heat generated by hunger and the other is the heat
of the fervour and passion with which one make prayers.... He urged to
also focus on fulfilling the rights of fellow human during Ramadan. He
said the fact that the Qur'an was first revealed in the month of
Ramadan signifies that the Quranic teachings which speak of fulfilling
rights of Allah and rights of mankind need to be followed more
specifically and with greater dedication in the month of Ramadan....He
explained that in the month of Ramadan the Holy Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be on him) would gives alms so profusely that his
charitable practice is likened to the force of a fierce wind....He
prayed for attaining these high standards of worship during Ramadan
for fruitful spiritual developments worldwide.......
Promised divine peace of latter days @ www.alislam.org www.mta.tv
Little Johnny Howard
2007-10-01 05:19:53 UTC
muslum bullshit snipped.
The Cynic
2007-10-01 14:29:08 UTC
Post by LILLAH
Peace be upon you and all....
(1)=The verse above mentioned [Surah Al Baqarah (2:187)] is placed
in the Holy Qur'an between two verses that expound the excellence of
the month of Ramadan and related matters. Therefore it indicates that
this month is distinct in terms of attaining nearness to God and
forgiveness of sins.

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