2007-07-15 10:57:14 UTC
Characteristics contained in the Holy Quran that a true Believer
(Momin) should adopt are:
1. To believe in the unseen
2. To observe prayer
3. To spend in the way of Allah
4. To believe in that which was revealed to the Holy Prophet (may
peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
5. To believe in that which was revealed before the Holy Prophet (may
peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
6. To believe in the Hereafter / what is to come. [ al-baqra v- 3 to
Explanation =
i. To believe in the unseen means to have absolute firm faith in the
existence of Allah. It is this absolute faith that leads a believer
towards uncovering the truths about Allah. Similarly, believing in the
unseen also entails believing in angels, the life after death, so on.
One must hold on to this faith as securely as possible because it is
this faith that wins the pleasure of God and He can see the condition
of the heart of every human being at every instance.
ii. To observe Salat is another requirement for a believer.
o He should strive to uphold his Salat with complete attention and
focus towards God.
o He should be regular in offering his Prayers/Salat. For some people,
it is difficult to wake up for before-sunrise-prayer i.e. Fajr, but
they should offer this prayer whenever they wake up. Not offering this
Salat on time will stir some type of remorse in their heart or perhaps
they will feel ashamed in offering the Salat later than its appointed
time before the other members of the household, and this will perhaps
encourage them to make the effort on waking up on time. Similarly, it
is often noticed that people who work do not pay due attention in
offering their Zuhr and Asr prayers. A believer is one who protects
and remains steadfast in offering his Salat (70:24), so much so that
his Salat becomes more valuable than any precious thing in the world.
o A believer offers his Salat on time (4:104).
o He offers Salat with full concentration.
o He offers Salat in congregation and that is the reason why one
Hadith tells us that the rewards conferred upon offering Salat in
congregation are far superior than offering it alone.
o A believer does not only safeguard his own Salat, but motivates his
fellow Muslim brothers as well and in return, he earns God's rewards
for doing so. However, he should keep in mind to motivate others with
love and affection (70:35 & 6:93).
iii. A Believer spends out of that which he has been given, not only
in the way of Allah, but also to help his fellow brethren. It should
be kept in mind that it is not only wealth that is signified, but also
any type of skills and talents that have been bestowed upon a person
should be shared. This selfless service towards a fellow being creates
a bond between two Muslims, such that they are forever united in a
relationship of unity and accord. As a whole, such a society where
love and peace exists will become a model society, where a wife will
fulfill the duties towards her husband and vice versa, where parents
will look after the best interests of their children and vice versa,
where neighbors will help one another, where the rich and the poor
will provide assistance to one another, so on and so forth, and all
this because believers practice the commandments of God. This path
leads to a unanimous progress of the community.
iv. A Believer holds firm faith in the teachings that were revealed to
the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him),
including the fact that he is the Seal of all Prophets, and that Holy
Quran is the last law-bearing Book.
v. He must also believe in the verity of all Prophets that came before
the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) (35:25).
This verse also informs that Warners were sent to every nation, albeit
not all are mentioned in the Holy Quran.
vi. Again, a believer holds firm faith in the life Hereafter. What is
the Hereafter? The significance of the Hereafter is twofold: one is
that there will be a Prophet after the Holy Prophet (may peace and
blessings of Allah be on him), and second that points to the Day of
Judgment.---- Just like there were revelations before the Holy Prophet
(may peace and blessings of Allah be on him), and then revelations
were sent to the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on
him) himself, similarly, this practice will continue after the demise
of the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as
well (referring to the advent of the Promised Messiah).
vii. A Believer must love Allah above all else (2:166). His whole life
should revolve around the existence of the Transcendent God. All the
above-mentioned articles of faith can only have significance if love
for Allah exists. The Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah
be on him) was the perfect example of this love, so much so that even
his enemies used to say that Muhammad is a true lover of Allah. In
order to acquire this love, one has to turn to Allah Himself and pray
to Him to grant such ability that we can love You.
viii. A true believer is one who has fear of Allah in his heart when
His name is mentioned (8:3). He must practice upon the commandments of
Allah in order to gain His nearness. He is forever concerned about his
status in the eyes of God and continues to strive in order to progress
in his faith.
ix. A Believer must be obedient to Allah's word (24:52). A mere verbal
profession of faith is not enough; one's faith is fulfilled only when
the teachings are adopted as a way of life. Similarly, a believer
should follow the instructions of the Khalifa and respect the system
attached. He should wholeheartedly accept the decisions by the
decision board (Qaza), without any dispute, even if the decision is
not passed in his favor. Even if he disagrees with the decision, he
should at least not mistrust the intentions of the decision-maker, and
in order to avert any conflicts, he should not discuss such matters
publicly. If a wrong decision was made against someone who, in his
innocence and naiveté, was unable to defend his point of view whereas
the other party was able to connive their way to a result in their
favor, even then a believing person should comply with the decision
knowing well that he has incurred losses. Allah's help comes to these
people in ways they are least expectant of and He is The Just
A Believer fears God and strives to progress in his faith. He is
occupied in worship and remembrance of God which gains him nearness to
Him. By following the above guidelines, each individual contributes to
the unity and strength of the community as a whole and on an
individual level, his relationship with God improves and becomes a
source of gaining spiritual rewards.--- The holy Caliph to holy
promised Messiah prays: May Allah enable every true believer to reap
the rewards promised by Allah and the ability to develop love for
Allah, and let adopt those qualities of a true believer (Momin) that
are pleasing to Allah and enshroud with abundant rewards through His
Mercy and His Grace, Ameen.....
Promised divine peace at LOVE FOR ALL
A book of informat'n and analysis
CONTENTS:Historical perspective-Individual versus society-Islamic
school of thought-European and Greek philosophy-Hinduism-Buddism-
Confucianism-Taoism-Zoroastrianism-The question of suffering-Secular
viewpoints examined-The concept of God among Aborigines of Australia-
The nature of revelation-Divine revelation and rationality-Belief in
the unseen-A manifest principle-an everlasting teaching-The Quran and
cosmology and E.T.-Entropy and the Finite universe-Origin of life-
Different theories and propositions-The essential role of clay/
photosynthesis in evolution-Survival by accident or design-and more-
It's readable at
Peace and blessings be upon you and your loved ones and all humanity.
(Momin) should adopt are:
1. To believe in the unseen
2. To observe prayer
3. To spend in the way of Allah
4. To believe in that which was revealed to the Holy Prophet (may
peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
5. To believe in that which was revealed before the Holy Prophet (may
peace and blessings of Allah be on him)
6. To believe in the Hereafter / what is to come. [ al-baqra v- 3 to
Explanation =
i. To believe in the unseen means to have absolute firm faith in the
existence of Allah. It is this absolute faith that leads a believer
towards uncovering the truths about Allah. Similarly, believing in the
unseen also entails believing in angels, the life after death, so on.
One must hold on to this faith as securely as possible because it is
this faith that wins the pleasure of God and He can see the condition
of the heart of every human being at every instance.
ii. To observe Salat is another requirement for a believer.
o He should strive to uphold his Salat with complete attention and
focus towards God.
o He should be regular in offering his Prayers/Salat. For some people,
it is difficult to wake up for before-sunrise-prayer i.e. Fajr, but
they should offer this prayer whenever they wake up. Not offering this
Salat on time will stir some type of remorse in their heart or perhaps
they will feel ashamed in offering the Salat later than its appointed
time before the other members of the household, and this will perhaps
encourage them to make the effort on waking up on time. Similarly, it
is often noticed that people who work do not pay due attention in
offering their Zuhr and Asr prayers. A believer is one who protects
and remains steadfast in offering his Salat (70:24), so much so that
his Salat becomes more valuable than any precious thing in the world.
o A believer offers his Salat on time (4:104).
o He offers Salat with full concentration.
o He offers Salat in congregation and that is the reason why one
Hadith tells us that the rewards conferred upon offering Salat in
congregation are far superior than offering it alone.
o A believer does not only safeguard his own Salat, but motivates his
fellow Muslim brothers as well and in return, he earns God's rewards
for doing so. However, he should keep in mind to motivate others with
love and affection (70:35 & 6:93).
iii. A Believer spends out of that which he has been given, not only
in the way of Allah, but also to help his fellow brethren. It should
be kept in mind that it is not only wealth that is signified, but also
any type of skills and talents that have been bestowed upon a person
should be shared. This selfless service towards a fellow being creates
a bond between two Muslims, such that they are forever united in a
relationship of unity and accord. As a whole, such a society where
love and peace exists will become a model society, where a wife will
fulfill the duties towards her husband and vice versa, where parents
will look after the best interests of their children and vice versa,
where neighbors will help one another, where the rich and the poor
will provide assistance to one another, so on and so forth, and all
this because believers practice the commandments of God. This path
leads to a unanimous progress of the community.
iv. A Believer holds firm faith in the teachings that were revealed to
the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him),
including the fact that he is the Seal of all Prophets, and that Holy
Quran is the last law-bearing Book.
v. He must also believe in the verity of all Prophets that came before
the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) (35:25).
This verse also informs that Warners were sent to every nation, albeit
not all are mentioned in the Holy Quran.
vi. Again, a believer holds firm faith in the life Hereafter. What is
the Hereafter? The significance of the Hereafter is twofold: one is
that there will be a Prophet after the Holy Prophet (may peace and
blessings of Allah be on him), and second that points to the Day of
Judgment.---- Just like there were revelations before the Holy Prophet
(may peace and blessings of Allah be on him), and then revelations
were sent to the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on
him) himself, similarly, this practice will continue after the demise
of the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as
well (referring to the advent of the Promised Messiah).
vii. A Believer must love Allah above all else (2:166). His whole life
should revolve around the existence of the Transcendent God. All the
above-mentioned articles of faith can only have significance if love
for Allah exists. The Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah
be on him) was the perfect example of this love, so much so that even
his enemies used to say that Muhammad is a true lover of Allah. In
order to acquire this love, one has to turn to Allah Himself and pray
to Him to grant such ability that we can love You.
viii. A true believer is one who has fear of Allah in his heart when
His name is mentioned (8:3). He must practice upon the commandments of
Allah in order to gain His nearness. He is forever concerned about his
status in the eyes of God and continues to strive in order to progress
in his faith.
ix. A Believer must be obedient to Allah's word (24:52). A mere verbal
profession of faith is not enough; one's faith is fulfilled only when
the teachings are adopted as a way of life. Similarly, a believer
should follow the instructions of the Khalifa and respect the system
attached. He should wholeheartedly accept the decisions by the
decision board (Qaza), without any dispute, even if the decision is
not passed in his favor. Even if he disagrees with the decision, he
should at least not mistrust the intentions of the decision-maker, and
in order to avert any conflicts, he should not discuss such matters
publicly. If a wrong decision was made against someone who, in his
innocence and naiveté, was unable to defend his point of view whereas
the other party was able to connive their way to a result in their
favor, even then a believing person should comply with the decision
knowing well that he has incurred losses. Allah's help comes to these
people in ways they are least expectant of and He is The Just
A Believer fears God and strives to progress in his faith. He is
occupied in worship and remembrance of God which gains him nearness to
Him. By following the above guidelines, each individual contributes to
the unity and strength of the community as a whole and on an
individual level, his relationship with God improves and becomes a
source of gaining spiritual rewards.--- The holy Caliph to holy
promised Messiah prays: May Allah enable every true believer to reap
the rewards promised by Allah and the ability to develop love for
Allah, and let adopt those qualities of a true believer (Momin) that
are pleasing to Allah and enshroud with abundant rewards through His
Mercy and His Grace, Ameen.....
Promised divine peace at LOVE FOR ALL
A book of informat'n and analysis
CONTENTS:Historical perspective-Individual versus society-Islamic
school of thought-European and Greek philosophy-Hinduism-Buddism-
Confucianism-Taoism-Zoroastrianism-The question of suffering-Secular
viewpoints examined-The concept of God among Aborigines of Australia-
The nature of revelation-Divine revelation and rationality-Belief in
the unseen-A manifest principle-an everlasting teaching-The Quran and
cosmology and E.T.-Entropy and the Finite universe-Origin of life-
Different theories and propositions-The essential role of clay/
photosynthesis in evolution-Survival by accident or design-and more-
It's readable at
Peace and blessings be upon you and your loved ones and all humanity.