Divine Attribute of Maalik (The Master) Part 4 --LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2007-04-07 13:13:14 UTC
Blessings be upon you and your loved one!
~~ Further explanation of Divine attribute Maalik (The Master) :
(1) The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said ~
'each one of you is a guardian and is accountable for his charges. The
Imam (leader) who has authority over people, is a guardian and is
answerable for them; a man is a guardian for his family and is
answerable for them; a woman is a guardian for her husband's house and
his children and is answerable for them; a servant is a guardian of
his master's property and is answerable for it; so all of you are
guardians and are accountable/answerable for your charges.'
(2) Here four people are being urged to look after whoever and
whatever they are responsible for and they are reminded that One Who
is Master of everything shall hold them accountable for whatever has
been placed in their charge.
(3) This is not trivial, for those who believe in the Day of Judgment
the enormity of this makes their heart tremble. The foremost mention
makes imam/leader/caliph's hair stand on its end lest there is a
deficiency in the responsibility bestowed to him. No amount of
cleverness, knowledge or wisdom can help discharge of this
responsibility if Allah's grace is not there and Allah's grace can
only be absorbed through prayers.
(4) All time prayers of imam/leader/caliph/khalifah and followers for
each other to discharge their respective duties attract God's grace.
(5) While praying one should also reflect that one's practices are in
keeping with the way the Khalifa of the time - in accordance with the
commandments of Allah and His Prophet - wishes them to be. This will
lead to one's own reformation and will ease the overseeing task of the
Khalifa of the time. Just as parents try and kindle the feeling in
their children to steer clear of certain things to avoid bringing
disrepute to the family. To develop this emotion in them is part of
their reformation. Likewise each person who is associated with the
Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) should be mindful not to cause him
(6) It is the obligation of the office-holders who work in
representation of the Caliph of the time to establish fairness in the
real sense. Each office-holder is directly accountable for his/her
actions but has the added responsibility of representing the Caliph of
the time. They should bear in mind that if they deem they can keep the
Caliph of the time in the dark over some matter, nothing is hidden
from the One Who is the real Master (Allah).

(7) Caliph, while he prays for himself he also prays for the office-
holders. If followers are not discharging of their obligations
properly then they are not honouring their responsibility in the
spirit of looking after the Master's property, which in this instance
has been given to them by the Caliph of the time. When electing office-
holders, prayers should be made and people should be chosen on merit
rather than friendship and kinship.
(8) Next comes the obligations of the 'head of the household' over
his family, a wife over her husband's house and children and a servant
over his master's property which should be carefully discharged as
each one of us is a guardian and is accountable for his charges.
Promised- divine-peace guide for this era at www.mta.tv and
+ The book full of modern knowledge and analysis = Revelation,
Rationality, Knowledge and Truth (readable) @
www.alislam.org/library/books/revelation/index.html ---

CONTENTS: Historical perspective-Individual versus society-Islamic
school of thought-European and Greek philosophy-Hinduism-Buddism-
Confucianism-Taoism-Zoroastrianism-The question of suffering-Secular
viewpoints examined-The concept of God among Aborigines of Australia-
The nature of revelation-Divine revelation and rationality-Belief in
the unseen-A manifest principle-an everlasting teaching-The Quran and
cosmology and E.T -Entropy and the Finite universe-Origin of life-
Different theories and propositions-The essential role of clay/
photosynthesis in evolution-Survival by accident or design-and more-

------------------------------------ LOVE FOR ALL HATRED FOR NONE
The Cynic
2007-04-07 14:46:20 UTC
Post by LUV4ALL-hatred4none
Blessings be upon you and your loved one!
boom boom boom doom = 72 virgins + 28 young boys
